This is for the Indians...
I was watching Star Voice of India…one of the many talent hunt contests these days...I am quite a regular viewer of this program as I find the quality of singers quite good and also because it comes like 5 times from Friday to Sunday and so its on-air whenever I turn on the TV (other options being the K series family dramas or animals running down Africa)...
And today one of the very impressive and strong contestants Toshi got eliminated...My housemate was almost at the brink of crying and I was very sad too...Toshi is a good to his best performance is here -
Well his elimination can be fair, unlucky or even pre-planned and framed...I am not commenting on that...what strikes me is that the way contestants ask for votes...the Punjabi asks Punjab to vote for him...the host says that South India should stand behind the Hyderabadi singer...When one of the girl sings the judges say..."Maharashtra is behind you"...Well for Toshi…"Rajasthan was not united behind him" commented the shocked host on his elimination...
This brings us to the very fundamental question...Do Indians view themselves as Indians or what strikes the nerve and brings unity is the name of our state or community...
Well…I am sorry to say but the spirit of being Indian is missing from India...
My motive behind this post is not to provoke hard feelings or discouragement…rather it is to understand the meaning behind this “spirit” so that I can feel it too…
Now this "spirit"...really depends on what really brings in unity...and what is the frame of perception of things...
Q) What really brings unity???
A) What’s at stake???
Kargil war is the only Indo-Pak war that I have seen and I can tell that even though I was only 15 that time (not part of grown-up discussions), I could sense a feeling of Indian pride among people...There were huge campaigns in my town to raise money to help the Indian "Defend India" what’s at stake?...its India's Pride and so we all were behind it...
As for the Voice of India show ...people should ideally be selecting the Best Singer in India...but they cannot tell the difference when the judge says "It should have been half a tone higher" or when " you where flat in the lower bass" the only way to make the audience feel interested and send in Smses (for revenue) is to make them feel that something is at stake...for VOI its the feeling of that a person from your state (aka community) is not the best...Hence a state backing and unity...
But what about the normal day-to-day life? Is India at stake?...well if someone says "Kashmir, or loosing BPO business to inflation" yes it is and we all suddenly take the defensive Indian guard...during a normal trip to the superstore to buy clothes it the trendy look at stake and so ...the sense of Indian is out of the window along with Khadi brands, and western labels are in… only because then can market well... (Believe me… You might have just bought a dress made in Ludhiana...shipped and tagged in US and sold in Delhi for 10 times the price…)
The reason why I say that national unity is missing from India is because there is nothing that one can relate to, that is Indian but at stake...The national icons such as the flag can prove to be a very good tools to display "Indian-ness" but there are unnecessarily complicated rules around it. Cricket is now more of an avenue to quick name and more spirit...The unparalleled democratic system is surrounded by mistrust..."Republic Day" is just to sleep longer than usual…( A news channel apparently focused on a Gorge Bush speech during our Republic Day)...There is nothing in our culture that is Indian and can ever be put on the line...our states have been divided based on our languages and culture...hence its natural for a much stronger affiliation to states than to the country.
Q) What’s is your Frame of Perception of things??
A) Are you a foreigner???
I feel that the spirit of nationhood and community is sometimes more of a perceived notion than what it actually is. Tell me one country, state or community… you feel is united towards one cause…if you said followers of Baba Ramdev are united in throwing western culture cola out….for your info I was watching a debate on NDTV where a lady pointed out that soft drinks are actually selling outside the camps in Haridwar to relive the people from the scorching heat.
Hence even though not all 100 % of Ramdev’s disciples stand by his side in banning cola, a few if not a lot of them do but there is a perceived sense of unity fuelled by countless speeches, debates and headlocks that make people feel that everyone is following the baba… It’s some sort of advertising or brainwash that counts…
Same holds true for India or any other nation. Being an NRI, I interact with a lot of foreigners…and most of the people ( in India or otherwise) make assumptions about India just based on the what they hear in the media…And the general feel is India is a growing nation which has a lot of people that live next to dustbins and it has 1000 castes and as many political parties to make matters worse…They acknowledge that Indians are real masters of any brain work and they feel awed by India’s capability of churning out brilliant people day in day out even when you look at normal citizens and not just the celebrated ones….But on the flip side they know Indians are people who are not proud of being Indian and are in a rush to “westernize” …something that I fight over with my colleagues whenever I get the chance…They like to call Indian companies “The Indian body shops” as they know that Indians are ready to do their “non value added ” work and can bring in the number of bodies ready to live on the pieces thrown onto them as they are not proud Indians…( well if you just felt offended…does it not prove my point of “what’s at stake” and this time it is your pride instead of the nations)…
This is where other countries score brownie points on “national spirit”…
We all feel that China is a next proud superpower that will take over everything…Chinese project themselves as proud manufactures of everything that you are using right to the computer that you are using right now…America is the “Defender” of the world and Americans are proud people (as they have seen nothing else but America)…the British are still basking in the colonial glory and that they have the Queen under whom they were once a nation where the “sun never sets”….and even if this is not true, this is how things are projected to the outside world hence the perceived spirit of nationhood.
For India thanks to its amazing penetration of media, and the need to dramatize stories in order to score better than the rival newspaper what makes the headlines are all the communal divides, gossip and the non-sense of politicians…When was the last time a news channel reported that Tehri dam had started producing power and that the Golden Quadrilateral in about to be completed…(for those who do not know…golden quadrilateral is the largest express highway project in India connecting Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta…a key to India’s much needed infrastructure China went ballistic advertising its new train route from Beijing to Lahsa (Tibet) showing the world it had the infrastructure and the foundation to become a major player...
This goes to all the media personnel looking for stories…In the words of Spiderman’s uncle...”with great power comes great responsibility”…the Indian media has an unparalleled freedom of speech and expression…and so keep in mind that media is the face to a nation…Make sure that not only your reports are unbiased but also the topics that you choose for a story…make sure that what makes the headlines are not just allegations and bombings and that the good stuff does not get strangled in the footnotes…
Same goes for Indian brands…there needs to be a more organized effort to “brand” and “advertise” Indian ideas like ayurveda compared to allopathy... impression cannot be created by word of mouth in today’s world… everyone knows ayurveda is good but still every one prefers popping pills only because that is what they hear is good for them….Its all about feeling proud of being Indians first and then creating that impressions on people with limited knowledge…BPO business is not just “non value added work” but the backbone of world economy…if someone tells you that BPO is crap...tell him ok lets assume a scenario where the world looses internet connection with India…can the world function?
Well...whenever I fight with my colleagues and friends on the fact that the image of India that you have in mind is not the correct image...and rather it’s very different… I get to hear…”If you say India is good then why are you here earning dollars and not working in India”…I respond…”I am contributing to India by showing you guys that Indians are much better at things than you ever imagined…and if people like me become the face of India then one day India will be perceived as a proud nation..”….I am trying to do my part to feel like a proud Indian in front of the world but as I see I am one in a billion…